“We have the freedom to choose whether we become action addicts. Whether we have our doing lives…or it has us.”


What is your dominant ‘doing type’?

I am definitely an action junky, but so are many of the people I spend my life with. Why do they choose to ‘do’, often at the expense of ‘being’?  What is their addiction about?  Here are 5 DOERS I’ve identified and come to know…and in some ways, find myself in each of them.

Five Types of ‘Doers’.


The Achieving Doer.

They do to be recognized, and build-up their sense of self. They have likely always been acknowledged for their ability to get things done so what they achieve is directly connected to their self-worth.

The Avoiding Doer.

They do to avoid being confronted with whatever is actually more important. As they keep themselves occupied with tasks, they avoid facing the bigger questions and challenges in life.

The Controlling Doer.

They do because they want it done and are often not willing to wait for someone else to do it. While that makes them feel more in control, that same control can push others away so they end up feeling alone and unsupported.


The Perfecting Doer.

They do because they think no-one else can do it as well as them. Their standards often result in over-engineering and over-efforting and yet, no matter how well things are done, it still never quite feels good enough.

The Supporting Doer.

They do for others, and are really good at it. Doing makes them feel needed but also obligated, and when they do too much without asking for anything in return, they end up feeling unappreciated and resentful.


What to do with my ‘Doing’?

Which of these ‘doers’ most resonates with you? 

Where are you being called to re-think your doing life? What would it feel like to have your doing life as opposed to it having you? What would or could be meaningfully different in your life as a result?

I am here to support your recovery!


A Practice.

Move from Inauthentic Action to Authentic Inaction so you can get clear on what would be the most Authentic Action through a gentle self-compassion practice.



Webinars that help you ‘undo your doing in this do crazy world.’


Workshops designed for groups of all sizes with colleagues who also desire to have more authenticity in their actions and relationships.


Speaking Engagements.

Let me inspire, give energy to and offer clear steps for change through my speaking keynotes.

“Our actions shape our lives, but what we don’t take action on can be just as powerful.”

— Madisyn Taylor