Authentic Inaction™

Undoing the Doing in a Do Crazy World

Renée Dineen

My name is Renée Dineen and I’m an addict. An action junky.

A woman who regularly sacrifices her “way of being” for the reliable high of “doing”.

What is Authentic Inaction™?

Authentic Inaction™ is first and foremost a practice. It is a practice of slowing down, being with and letting go of our bias towards action.

Authentic Inaction™ is not a choice between “being” and “doing”, it is about bringing the two into harmony. It is found in those small but important moments in our day-to-day lives where we can, and yet rarely do, make choices that connect who we are with what we do.

Authentic Inaction™ invites us to consciously and resourcefully question our dominant culture of constantly doing, achieving, and improving. It gives us permission to live a less productive life—one that acknowledges the limits of our attention, energy and time and in return—brings into sharper focus, what it is we are truly meant to do.

Authentic Inaction™ is not about standing still or doing nothing. It’s not another form of procrastination. It is about keeping things in motion—but allowing for more space and fluidity in-between our actions so we can choose more authentically.

We live in a world where being a ‘doer’, is not only accepted—it is honored, encouraged, and expected. It’s an identity, rooted in our culture. Truthfully, being a ‘doer’ is not even enough, it eventually asks us to be ‘over-doers’.

The idea that there is another option to how we have until now, engaged with our day-to-day lives—can feel scary, risky and foreign for anyone to take on. It is counter-intuitive to what we have learned, maybe even modeled and certainly been rewarded for.

Yet, this crippling addiction to ‘doing’ is affecting all of us to the tune of billions of dollars a year in health care costs, corporate burn-out, and wasted effort. It has contributed to broken relationships and a loss of our truest sense of who we are in the world.

If you are ready to take a journey of ‘undoing the doing in your own do-crazy world’, I would be honored to support you!


How do we become a ‘doer’?

For the majority of my life, I have been proud of being a doer. In fact I come from a long line of doers. My grandmother was, my mother is, and I’m recognizing that by my example, my 13-year old daughter is definitely a doer.

Yet, this isn’t just a family trait, it is a trait of most, if not all of the contexts that I live in. To let go of my bias towards action has required a dismantling of a systemic bias of a world that I am a part of. A world that I have helped to create.

But the truth is, many suffer from doing too much. This crippling addiction is affecting all of us to the tune of billions of dollars a year in health care costs, corporate burn-out, and wasted effort. It has contributed to broken relationships and a loss of our truest sense of who we are in the world.

While we absolutely make an impact on the world through our actions, our actions should be a natural extension of who we are. Instead, what we do…has become the definition of who we are.

I have identified five main types of ‘doers’. Click here to learn about each type, take a free quiz to learn your dominant ‘doing’ type and some practices to support your recovery.

What type of ‘doer’ are you?

I have identified 5 key ‘doing types’. Why do they choose to ‘do’, often at the expense of their own ‘being’? What is their addiction about?

Take my free quiz to find out your dominant ‘doing type’. From there, you will also be welcomed by some practices to support you on your recovery journey.

“Being an action junky is an addiction, and like other addictions, recovery is possible. When we begin to undo the doing in our own do-crazy worlds, we’ll begin living a healthier and more authentic life.”

— Renée Dineen

Offerings to Support You


I have created the following offerings to support you, your families, organizations and communities in taking on the regular practice of ‘Authentic Inaction™’ so you can move from Inauthentic Action to Authentic Action!


Move from Inauthentic Action to Authentic Inaction and then finally to Authentic Action through a gentle self practice.


Webinars that help you undo your doing in this do crazy world.

Corporate Workshops

Workshops design for large to small groups of colleagues desiring to have more authenticity in their actions and relationships.


Let me inspire, give energy and clear steps for change through my speaking topics.

Resources For Your Journey


An ongoing arsenal of resources for you to dig in to, gain insight, energy and inspiration from, and thus, begin to walk your own path of Authentic Inaction™.

About Renèe


Hi there! I’m Renée Dineen…

and I am so glad you are here. I hope you find purpose, inspiration, freedom, joy, ease and grace in moving towards a life of Authentic Inaction™—a life where inaction is valued as much as action, at least until the authentic action is clear!

I am a recovering workaholic who left her 20 year executive-level career in biotech to give herself a genuine shot at doing work that mattered most to her heart. What drives me most today is the opportunity to reduce human and organizational suffering and equip people from all walks of life, to live with more purpose, joy and grace. 

You can also visit me at to learn more about how I support individuals & organizations.