

Inspiration. Energy. Change.


Speaking Topics & Keynotes


Renée is regularly featured on podcasts, has presented on many global stages, and published dozens of articles on the topics of leadership and personal growth, several of which have been featured in publications such as Fortune, Financial Times & Elephant Journal. She has also co-authored a book called The Art & Truth of Transformation for Women. 

In February 2020 she took her personal story to the TEDx stage where she demystifies our culture's obsession with busyness and doing. Her talk called Authentic Inaction™ Undoing the Doing in A Do Crazy World, has reached over 500K views. Renée is on a mission to revolutionize the way we work, play & relate to one another and our purpose. 

Click below to learn more about her keynotes and speaking life!

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What Renée does and how she does it brought out what was most important and the promise of what we, as a leadership team, can truly achieve together (1).png

Some Places & Events I have Spoken


Corporate Keynotes/Leadership Summits

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Authentic Inaction™: Undoing the Doing in a Do-Crazy World


  • Why doing too much is a form of addiction and the impact it has on personal and organizational life.

  • Why it is so hard to stop 'doing' even when we know it isn't serving us or the people we lead and work with.

  • Learn an intentional practice called Authentic Inaction™ that moves us from taking inauthentic action to authentic action.

  • 5 different types of 'doers', what each of their doing addictions are about, and concrete steps to ensure they ‘do’ the right things for the right reasons so everyone wins.

  • 4 concrete steps to support organizations in exploring these leadership concepts for themselves and their teams. 

Actions attendees could take to implement advice shared:

  • Be a catalyst for meaningful change for how to truly tackle the topic of prioritization and best assign work to recognize and leverage personal meaning and contributions.

  • Contribute to creating a culture that recognizes the inherent limitations of our time, attention and energy and has the discipline to make tough choices that enable leaders and teams to focus on the critical few and do them really well.


Keynote Overview

This keynote, which can also be offered as a webinar or workshop, inspires organizations and teams to support more meaningful and sustainable ways of leading and taking action that optimize engagement, commitment and impact at all levels. 

Renee is a self-proclaimed doing addict and work-a-holic— a woman who has regularly sacrificed her way of being for the reliable high of doing. She is deeply committed to increasing awareness of this systemic addiction giving individuals and organizations a pathway to achieve greater authenticity and connection to what they do within their personal and professional lives, no matter where they are in their career or life journey.

Renee took her doing addiction story one step further—she shared it on the TedX Stage. However, she is not alone. Many suffer from doing too much. This crippling addiction is affecting all of us to the tune of billions of dollars a year in health care costs, corporate burn-out, and wasted effort. It has contributed to broken relationships and a loss of our truest sense of who we are in the world.

What makes this dilemma between doing and not doing even more difficult to overcome, is that this idea of taking action being in the world as doers, is not only accepted— it is honored, encouraged, and expected. It is an identity, rooted in our culture. While we absolutely make an impact on the world through our actions, our actions should be a natural extension of who we are. Instead, what we do has become the definition of who we are.

Renée shares 4 essential steps to move from Inauthentic Action— staying busy and doing it all, to Authentic Action— optimizing focus, commitment and impact. Authentic Inaction, a key practice introduced in this keynote, invites us to consciously and resourcefully question our dominant culture of constantly doing, achieving, and improving. It ultimately asks us to choose a less productive life, a life that acknowledges the limits of our attention, energy and time. But in return, brings into sharper focus what it is we are truly meant to do with the clarity and commitment to fully make it happen!

Turning Meaning Into Momentum: Learning to Say No So We Can Say Hell YES!


  • What leaders get wrong about the prioritization dilemma.

  • The top 3 reasons strategic initiatives fail and how to overcome them.

  • Why saying no is hard and how to get past it—no matter who you are or what level you work.

  • Discerning the meaningful from the meaningless.

  • How to turn individual meaning into organizational momentum in 5 ‘tried and true’ steps that can be implemented across all levels of the organization.

  • Inspire and model a culture that does less but achieves more!

Actions attendees could take to implement advice shared:

  • Be the leadership who finally gets the prioritization dilemma right and builds the practices and discipline needed to sustain ongoing improvements and growth plans.

  • Become the change champion for defining and implementing strategies and plans that are not only achieved, but have the full ownership and commitment of all those involved.

  • Recognize the difference between must have and nice to have and balance your portfolio of goals and projects accordingly.

  • Achieve more by doing less!


Keynote Overview

This keynote, which can also be offered as a webinar or workshop, is best suited for a leadership meeting or summit where the attendees are accountable for building a healthy culture and modeling the practices and behaviors that will help their employees thrive.

When we look at someone successful, we often skip right to what a person has done. We look for lists of accomplishments, challenges they have overcome, and the titles and accolades that follow them. While we absolutely make an impact on the world through our actions, our actions should be a natural extension of who we are.  Instead, what we do…has become the definition of who we are. 

As a result, we have lost our way. We have blurred the relationship between who we are and what we do. We have in essence, given up our power and lost connection to our soul’s desires. At an organizational level, we have sacrificed engagement for outcomes, at the expense of our people and ultimately to who we serve. No one truly wins. 

Instead of building a culture that thrives, leadership is caught in the trap of consciously or unconsciously creating cultures where employees are over-doing and over-efforting most everything. We are building cultures that do not have the discipline to say no, even to the wrong things, so they can say yes to all the right things.

How would it feel instead, to know deep in your gut as a leader, that you are saying yes to the right things for the right reasons? You are saying yes not because you have to, but because you want to. As a result, everything you and your teams say yes to, is from the beginning, an intention you make with full commitment to achieve— without taking you down!

Pulling from her 25 years of experience leading transformational change in global organizations and her own story of being a ‘doing addict’, Renée builds a case for learning to regularly say no so leaders and organizations can say yes to the right things with results they want and the balance their employees need.

Thriving in Teams: From Overwhelmed to Overjoyed!


  • What a great team and great people have in common and how to identify and leverage the unique attributes inherent in each one.

  • Build a team that everyone wants to be a part of, contribute to and advocate for.

  • Learn sustainable practices to connect the soul of the organization with the soul of each team.

  • Teams view their roles and contributions with deeper meaning and resonance, resulting in discretionary effort that benefits everyone without scarifying their own work-life health and balance.

  • How to build healthy team cultures that inspire organizational change and commitment enterprise-wide.

Actions attendees could take to implement advice shared:

  • Find greater alignment and meaning between your role, purpose, and the mission of the company. 

  • Make possible similar alignment for the people you lead and work with.

  • Implement compelling new approaches to team development that increase employee and team performance and the joy they have working together.

  • Enhance workplace and team culture with fresh and sustainable ideas that signal true change and give teams their best shot at success.


Keynote Overview

Pulling from decades of study, experience and learnings developing leaders and teams around the world and across multiple industries, Renée knows what makes a great team, what brings out the best in each person, and how to intentionally and easily, connect each person’s unique contributions to the organization’s aspirations and goals.

In this keynote, Renée will debunk some of the more traditional concepts of what makes a great team, moving beyond the what a team does and how it delivers, into the more intimate experience of what it feels like to be a member of that team.

Renée has defined 5 key attributes that make the experience of teaming both positive and productive. During this keynote or workshop, she explores each and offers practical and sustainable approaches to build up these attributes within any team or culture. 

Psychological safety.  This revolves around feelings of security and trust within a team. The level of risk members feel able to take and whether doing so would leave them feeling insecure or embarrassed. 

Dependability.  Dependability encompasses a team’s ability to rely on one another, trust that work will be delivered on time and of high quality.

Structure & Clarity.  Structure and clarity refers to how clear teams are on their goals, the roles and responsibility of each individual and how these are actioned and executed.

Meaning of Work.  Teams that succeed are often made up of individuals who are working on something that feels important on a personal level. The work goes beyond just satisfying the company, it has personal value to the individual.

Impact of Work.  Teams who have a genuine belief in the value of the work they are investing in and that it matters. They also believe they are set up well to achieve it.

Leading Whole: Valuing the Masculine & Feminine in All of Us

Key Takeaways/Learnings

  • Understand the traits that are most activated and visible in you today.

  • See clearly how the balance between your own feminine and masculine is being demonstrated today and how this helps or hinders you from taking authentic action. 

  • See where you hold any bias for one or the other and how that is playing out.

  • New insights around this component of your leadership— the impact on your presence and capacity to lead— and what you want to shift or change. 

Actions attendees could take to implement advice shared:

  • Be a catalyst for meaningful and actionable conversations around how to bring both masculine and feminine leadership traits into the way they think, lead and act.

  • Deepen their appreciation for both and become advocates for change where needed in their organizations. 


Keynote Overview

This keynote, which can also be offered as a session or workshop, acknowledges that leadership is about leading whole, not leaving any part of yourself out. Each leader brings a unique set of characteristics, experiences, preferences and ideas to this role and as a result, creates their unique legacy.

We have heard stories of women leaders feeling like or actually being asked to show up more like men, even though it is clear this advice is greatly faulted. Women who act like men are seen as ingenuous, incongruent and ineffective. It harms those they lead and it harms them. So what are we really asking for? I believe more than ever, that today, what we are asking is for both men and women to recognize and value equally, feminine and masculine traits inherent in all of us. 

In general, more women than men might more naturally demonstrate feminine traits such as connection, mutuality or empathy. On the flip side, more men than women might more naturally demonstrate masculine traits such as objectivity, independence and risk taking. Does that mean women can not be risk takers or men can't be empathetic? Of course not. But until we value both traits equally, which in many environments we still may not, both men and women suffer. Their unique leadership is stifled and limited, therefore, their impact is minimized and this is why we should care about this. 

As masculine traits have been more rewarded and seemingly more familiar, women may lean too far into their masculinity, often at the expense of losing their femininity. In this case, both men and women lose and I am passionate about helping to ensure this doesn't continue. Both men and women, any gender, should have full access to both feminine and masculine traits necessary and relevant to leadership at all levels in all organizations. This session explores this dilemma and opens the door to new and more expansive possibilities for both men and women.

Cultivating Deep Tissue Leadership: Become a Leader that Transforms Others from the Inside Out!

Takeaways & Learnings

  • Become a more conscious and intentional leader who is willing to dig deep, lead deeply and make deep and lasting impacts on the people and organizations you serve.

  • Support your employees and teams to meaningfully bridge personal and professional goals, values and beliefs to capture their full essence and potential.

  • Refine your own mindsets, behaviors, qualities and practices to better serve each human being you lead, supporting them to live into each moment.

  • Become a leader who embodies and models the 5 Principles of Deep Tissue Leadership:

    • Leadership is personal and transformational

    • Leadership is a mix of science and art

    • Leadership is not a role; it is an intention to serve resulting in inspired action

    • Leadership is learned, practiced and refined over time

    • Leadership is an honor, not a right


Keynote Overview

This keynote, which can also be offered as a webinar or workshop, inspires leaders to become more conscious and intentional about who they are as a leader and the legacy they wish to leave. All too often, leaders show up and learn to play “the role” but miss the true impact they can have on another person's life. Instead of seeing their unique life and leadership experiences as a journey towards self-actualization that can meaningfully serve the people they lead, they see leadership as a role they play to get results for something outside of themselves.

Employees and teams can rarely take themselves or their organizations farther than their own leader is willing to go, resulting in huge losses for all involved. Leaders who are brave enough to do the deeper work and experience true transformation in themselves and others, become legacy leaders whose impact extends far beyond the walls of their organization.

Deep Tissue Leaders know their impact is limitless but also know their impact depends on their ongoing willingness to pursue their potential and manifest their intentions wholeheartedly and with great care and courage.

Cultivating Confidence, Purpose & Authenticity: From the Inside Out

Key Takeaways/Learnings·     

  • Explore five ‘non-traditional’ pre-cursors to confidence

    • Live Deeply

    • Value Connection

    • Welcome Growth

    • Be Intentional

    • Show Up Fully

  • Learn three ways to achieve greater inner and outer alignment

    • Know who you are

    • Align what you do with who you are

    • Do the work life asks of you

  • Be inspired to step into our full purpose, power, and authenticity

  • Discover 10 ways to live a life of your choosing!


Keynote Overview

This keynote, which can also be offered as a webinar or workshop, inspires attendees to cultivate confidence from the inside out. As a result, they set themselves on a path to live and lead with greater purpose and authenticity.

We have all heard the saying “confidence comes from within”. For the most part, it’s true. On the other-hand, it can feel overwhelming to build if you don’t authentically feel it. Through personal stories and over 25 years of experience developing leaders and teams in international settings, Renée has defined 5 ‘non-traditional’ pre-cursors to confidence that are cultivated from the inside out with lasting and meaningful impact.

Join Renée as she takes her audience on a journey to not simply build confidence but inspire more purposeful and authentic ways of living and leading that can be expressed in every area of life— a life uniquely expressed and chosen by them!

“Who I am, what I have, and what I’ve done is already enough.”

— Renée Dineen